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Here, let me bleed for I can write you a song that moves you to dance



To all my friends and the strangers that stumble on to this page, I welcome you to my darkness. I try to keep in clean, but the advertisements are entirely too willful, and I therefore, cannot have a true darkness. This place is where my hidden self dwells. The one that courts the dangerous edges of sanity in her free time. The one that writes poetry and isn't scared who reads it. The one that has an unhealthy obsession with zombies. Please, feel free to click on the buttons below, as they are the designated areas in which all may navigate. I take pride in my photographs and I know how to create a memorable profile picture or two. I hope you enjoy this respite from the loud noisiness of the interweb, a suggestion to contemplate the definition of "real." Enjoy the art feel free to leave a message. Kiss Kiss ~Sly
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